
The Future is Now.

Bring Holographic AR to life through Integem’s iPlayer® and iCreator®


iPlayer®: Versatile AR for Devices, Cloud, and Robotics

iPlayer® boasts both local device and cloud-based functionalities. This AI-enhanced tool allows for dynamic Holographic AR presentations, meetings, games, demos, and more, deeply immersing users within the AR realm. Notably, iPlayer® synchronizes in real-time with users’ voices, gestures, and movements, crafting a genuinely interactive environment. Moreover, its advanced capabilities extend to robotics, letting users virtually teleport to remote locations to control robotics within the AR context. Invite audiences to participate collaboratively in your Holographic AR scenarios online. With iPlayer, you can also record and promptly disseminate your AR adventures on social media, either as videos or as immersive AR experiences

How does iPlayer® work?

Integem’s iPlayer® is a Holographic AR software underpinned by AI, AR, and robotics technology. Compatible with any computing device (smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops) equipped with webcams, it facilitates smooth interaction within the Holographic AR realm. Recently, iPlayer® has expanded its horizons by integrating with video conferencing platforms like Zoom, introducing Holographic AR conference meetings. Moreover, its capabilities also extend to robotics, allowing users to remotely control and interact with robots in a virtual AR environment.


Unlocking Holographic AR Potential with iCreator®

iCreator® is a versatile tool that melds user-friendly design with the power of advanced tech, enabling anyone – from young learners to seasoned professionals – to craft their unique Holographic AR experiences. Infused with AI and robotics capabilities, it transcends traditional boundaries, offering avenues for game design and more. Every interactive session on iPlayer® originates from the innovative canvas of iCreator®, turning imaginative ideas into interactive realities.

How does iCreator work?

iCreator® streamlines the process of designing a Holographic AR experience or presentation. With its intuitive interface, users can seamlessly integrate both 2D and 3D content into their AR designs. Beyond simple visuals, iCreator® empowers users to devise intricate animations, 3D movements, AI-driven interactions, and robotic controls without delving into dense coding or complex graphic design tasks. Whether it’s for game design, movie creation, business presentations, educational modules, or pure entertainment, iCreator® offers limitless avenues to tailor the AR experience to your vision.